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How Repair Computer

“ERROR: Fan Has Failed's cpu! will automatically power down in a few seconds's pc. service the is immediately to prevent damage to the's PC PC.”
Send away for error which is featured at screen monitor while power's switch at presses and in the period of 5 auto PC seconds will die( power down ). It often being experienced by Build Up's computer HP and Compaq, as one I experiences alone. What cause arise its that problem, and how to settles it?
It happens while computer first be started up, or arises after do BIOS'S update. On HP product was imbedded censor to detect processor fan( Fan's cpu ), so if fan experiences trouble as don't revolve therefore censor will detect it and process auto shutdown  will happening it is required to avoid excessive heat on CPU that on eventually gets to wreck its component.
But then my afters tries to substitute fan with ordinary fan is not prossesor's fan, send away for “ Error: fan failed's cpu ” continually happens and direct computer die. Censor matter this it is still detect fan existence that most link from mainboard. While fan that my tide most link goes to cable from Power Supply (PSU).
Actually we are still get input go to System by presses ala F2 switch cycle power on's switch afters, this knobbed function to cancel censor job that is at mainboard so power makes a abode to clear a root and computer that loading can as normal state. But then, the best one solution is with substitute damaged fan previous. And error's order problem this we can settle by undertaking arrangement on BIOS.
Its steps as follows:
·         Turn in at BIOS by presses ala F11 switch cycle, if haven't can also please to utilize F1 or F10 switch.
·         After successful entering BIOS, vote for menu Advanced, vote for Hardware Monitors Enter's press, vote for CPU Fan Check then Enter's press again, since Fannya's CPU no therefore we choose “ disable ” only. That uncommitted pengecekkan.
·         Hereafter presses F10 to keep arrangement and sticking out from BIOS.
·         It can also be done while evoked error order after do BIOS'S update to HP computer.
Evoked order can as as it:
“ERROR: Fan Has Failed's cpu! will automatically power down in a few seconds's pc. service the is immediately to prevent damage to the's PC PC.”
“Fan Failed's cpu. Press is to continue to boot's F2. Otherwise, the system will power down in five seconds. Have system serviced immediately “

Booting Fails, Computer Do Ever Restart .
While do process Booting  walking and features Windows Xp display Start Up, suddenly emerges blue screen and computer restarts
automatically. Logon's dialog box Windows that usually performs, this time no time appearance because hurried computer restarts.
About problem oftentimes above happening because kernel32.dll's file damage. Try to observe if on blue screen that emerging looked send away for “ This Error Can Occur If The Kernel32.dll is's file hilang or damaged ’. If apparently really file kernel32.dll experiences damage, don't jump at a conclusion to do reWindows Xp installation. Person oftentimes look for easy street to fix kemsakan system with reinstallation. But is clear that working out will need so long time since You not only do reoperating system installation but also application.
Actually about problem that shan't be settled by install re. You can do Windows repair with mengkopikan or mengekstraksi is back kernel32.dll's file from master original Windows Xp. To it does steps as follows:
  1. You can utilize Recovery Console to do fixed up system. Recovery Console constitutes one of applicable Windows facility to do restore system's files of master's CD Windowses and is inserted to harddisk where Windows lies as one operating systems. Its trick, upon startup Windows, vote for Recovery Console. That option will arise Command Prompt.
  2. On Command Prompt that emerging as above as, ketikkan commands as follows: CDWindows\ (enter), System32\'s CD (enter)
  3. Change name [kernel32.dll] one that long time becomes [kemel32.old]  Its trick is typewritten commands [ren kernel32.dll kemel32.old lalu tekan [enter] 
  4. Type [map] sign and then press [enter] 
  5. Note drive's position CD-ROM per se it exists Windows Xp CD.
  6. Does kernel32.dll's extraction with mengetikkan as follows:  [expand \i386\kernel32.dl_ ] where point out drive's position master's CD Windows Xp and don't forget to press ENTER. For example, type:  [expand d:\i386\kernel32.dl_ [enter] Note that character after font “ l ” are ”_”. Pengetikkan upon if successful will follow order “ kernel32.dll, 1 file (s ) expanded ”.
  7. ketikkan [exit] and computer will do to restart.
One that as problem  are that maybe just Windows Xp on Your computer have no Recovery Console's facility because upon installation doesn't be attached. You can begin it of Windows Xp CD. To do it gone in for steps as follows:
  1. Insert Windows Xp CD and does re start computer. Don't forget to do all setting which is required on BIOS to make boot of CD.
  2. Notice display upon processes setup Windows that is carried on. What do part get text basis from setup is begun, vote for option repair or recover by presses switch “ r ”.
  3. While emerges prompt, ketikkan password Administrator of Your Windows Xp.
  4. You afterwards can mengetikkan direct take orders Recovery Console. Type [help] to know takes orders that is provided and type [exit] to mengakhir recovery console.

Computer Wants Booting, Tetepi Always ” Safe Mode ”
Upon computer booting suddenly Windows Operating System recommend user to utilize Safe Mode. After been chosen that Safe Mde's option, apparently computer can't run sebagaiman must it. Can't print, can't meenampilkan full color. Even hamper all driver can't active on this mode.
system's input Safe's position Mode, matter available that don't all done in system computer. That thing gets to be caused since a few things as a loss file system, driver da is file is of important another of Windows get to force Windows performs deep safe mode. This following adalhj a few things who You can work if sitem your Windows often bootin in condition safe mode
• Restart windows back on computer you and thrust to utilize mode normal. If anything system's fault, usually Windows will issue that error's question, you can'te and mengkonsultasikan is that thing on Microsoft. Microsoft sites contact Coorporation on sectioned Technical Support at http://support. Microsoft. com / support.
• If needs, you can reinstall system windows. If this stage your one chooses, don't forget for mem back up all and's essential data goes to good other storage media diskette, CD or harddisk another one. 
• If with reinstallation apparently Windows makes a abode to come in to Safe Mode, therefore possible laen causative it is damage at inner hard disk. To check it, input even goes to safe mode and does scan disk before harddisk you. Click starts programs's menu, programs, accessories, system tools and the latest chooses scan disk. 
b. Computer Wants Booting But Boot's Process Slows
Computer that booting can and system's input hads out, but booting's process so slowing eventually if dilihatdari computer's specification whatever available, don't sharusnya process booting one slowing this. 
If kompiter what does slowing deeping to do reverential process because processor specification and low memory capacity, really was such its thing. But if computer's specification existing memadahi's enough whereas process booting masihlambat, that one shall look for its Solution.
Koputer that over slows to do booting's process, usually been caused since its overdose programs one be uploaded by padfa while star up. That thing gets to make computer free and easy memory. to settle that thing, attempt does steps as follows: 
• Close all application that be active on computer.
• Then system configuration Utilities's dialog box appearance by undertaking click to Start Program Menu> run. 
• ketikkan “ MSCONFIG ” on open dantekan's box Enter's switch. That thing will arise system configuration utilities's dialog box.
• starup's tab click on that dialog box. Sign hits that emerging on this dialog box constitutes active –program daftarprogram since Windos is carried on. if sign hits quite a lot, makahilangkan severally that doesn't You look on to need and just let available pad programs that peril just. For example decompressing just sign hits on sepertie mail client's programs. Messenger, office's Microsoft starts up and another application that sebetulnyadapat is opened any time.
• Apply's knobbed click and OK to activate. And YES'S click on confirmation to restart system you
Does pengontrolan register to start up that program routinely, that system's memory using up you terjada with every consideration.
Problem nots PC want booting kerapkali to haunt computer users. A variety bottom an can become causal factor why PC doesn't want booting. This following that i will utarakanbeberapa problem and error messages while PC do booting way out therewith it.
Hopefully utilitarian.
1. Pc do ever don't want reboot
- Sit out a few moments then knobbed back press power.
- power's cable cheque behind PC.
2. Pc doesn't want reboot card increase afters / hardware
- power's cable escape.
- casing's open.
- Cards positioning cheque, was close-fitting or haven't.
- Drive in power's cable back then reboot's attempt returns.
3. Send away for CMOS Checksum Failure / Real Time Clock Failure
- Its cause is CMOS'S battery you was depleted.
- casing's open.
- Its battery takings and commute for with a new one.
- Still can't yet? Cause of it can become on CMOS'S chip damage.
4. Send away for RAM Bad / Memory Parity Error XXX
- Its cause available on RAM.
- casing's open.
- RAMS positioning cheque, what have menancap on socket perfectly.
- Cheque does orders in RAM assembly was accomplished, as
assembly shall be begun by socket first few / first bank.
- Attempt essays your RAM condition with assembles it by piece then direboot's attempt.
Keep away RAM with condition of bad.
5. Send away for keyboard Bad
- Its cause is on keyboard.
- Check keyboard's cable thread is after PC.
- Still can't yet? Try replacing with keyboard your friend.
- Still can't yet? Damage available on keyboard's chip at motherboard.
6. Send away for Data Error Reading Drive x
- Its cause available on hardisk.
- reboot's attempt several times.
- If that booting can, save shortly data be of important you and system is file.
- If can't, cable thread cheque hardisk goes to motherboard and goes to power supply.
7. Send away for Disk Configuration Error / DMA Error On Boot
- Its cause is motherboard not backs up hardisk a new one you assemble.
- Try replacing with hardisk another.
8. Send away for FDD Cotroller Failure
- Its cause is on disk drive floppy.
- Input goes to setup BIOS.
- disable is drive A's cannikin or b then save then exit.
- Reboot is PC.
- Still can't yet? casing's open and cable cheque on FDD.
- Try replacing with FDD that another.
9. Send away for Internal Chace Failed's Test
- Open binds books motherboard's manual you.
- Check do your one processor utilize have compatible with motherboard.
- Pretty much answer it is haven't and you shall upgrade it.
10. Send away for Disk Configuration Error / DMA Error On Boot
- Its cause is motherboard your not backs up new hardisk you.
- If there is fund, deputize for with motherboard new.
11. Send away for Unlock System / keylock's Unit
- Its cause because your system intermediates lock-bound.
- Sought for that key place on PC.
- Its unlocks.
- Reboot returns.
12. That tips Constant Booting Smooth
- While is booting's intermediate PC, F8 click
- On menu option chooses “ Step By Step Confirmation ”
- You will be brought up on questions for meload driver and fungsifungsi
one particular.
- Press y. for meload this following: Dblspace driver, Himem. sys, Ifshlp. sys, Dblbuff. sys,
GUI. Press for selection another.
- Edit config.sys by programs text editor as edits or notepad.
- Add BRAKE on every row which started by DEVICE= or DEVICEHIGH=.
- Edit autoexec.bat.
- Add BRAKE on every row which started by LH.

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