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Intelligence racks brains to constitute expectation, wish and everybody the need. Smart brain basically really been propped by someone ability in maximize that brain job is alone, so brain can absorb various accepted information to be kept at memory racks brains. With maximize brain job, our matter maximize our brain capacity. Capacity and our brain performance actually more gigantic of solar system. Base research, for life man just vicinity 20% capacity rack brains those are utilized, 80% another were known. This enforce relevance indication among senility with maximum racks brains us. Seeing ability and brain capacity that admirably, fairly only if there is that statement no man which bovine. Folly constitutes thing that most implication by idleness. Its mean, person that perceives don't smart, actually don't bovine, but reducing maximizes performance and its brain ability.

If we study, optimism racks brains to get bearing with brain cell cell damage and otak 's function decrease that because of our own life pattern. E.g. we far between or even ignore things that actually will strengthen our recall as learned as, memorizing something, or increases frequency read and writing, and activity that gets stabilize character body power with logistic brain as dances, playing bagpipe or hobby activity that actually rejoice our brain, so condition pleasantly this gets to maximize our brain job.

Ability racks brains man will optimal if nerve work function rack brains most links with every consideration. Move, voice, think and respite constitute to form activity who can maximize brain job, at a swoop that normalize will work function rack brains. Its mean, poised living pattern and set constitute behaviour who can look after our brain. Synergy among stirred body by racks brains, fixing life style, and brings off emotion constitute trick treat brain with every consideration. It can look after optimation brain and fixs causative brain cell cell damage senility. In consequence, some ways simple following it can be done to maximize our brain job, and looks after our brain of senility.

I. Inure breakfast . Breakfast constitutes energy for our activity. With breakfast, our matter have that energy reserve fit's regular in gets activity. realy, there are many person trifles breakfast. Eventually, not eat alimentary in the morning causes descent of sugar rate in blood. It ensues on its reducing nutrition entry on racks brains that eventual end on brain setback. In consequence too, at our ramadan is advised to get wolfs down sahur. Its aim, that there is energy reserve to do activity up to in full day fasts. nutrition racks brains not only studying and memorize, but also food which that maximum will job nerve rack brains that works maximal ala. Besides breakfast, eat is penambah's food recall as drink of tea and grapple also really helps entry nutrition brain.

II. Avoid eating overdose . Controlling appetite with the importance for with controls emotion. Too much eating harden brain adit. Over a particular period, adit ossification racks brains usually our shepherd on go down tries a fall mental. Too much eating usually invite doze. Excessively gets asleep generally make frequent matter aliases disused brain holiday. Long time rack brains to become dull, there are many forgets and just can cause mental setback and senile. Are not incorrect if Rasulullah SAW teaches to eat while peckish and stop before is full since brimful belly filled alimentary will sap think, so work function brain not maximal.

III. Avoid Smoking . Besides perilous to heart, lung and troubles fertilitation, smoke also ensuing very blot up on our brain. Smoke to cause our brain can decrease and finally loses its function. Ih … one brake …. With decreases it brain and a loss brain function, we are Alzheimer's gristle (senile), evenless at coming old term. Smoking danger not act, well for active and also passive smoker. Big influential nicotine content to human body organ damages, including our brain.

IV. Avoid mengkonsumsi sugared overacting . Too much eat sugar can increase diseased share risk, as diabetes. To rack brains, too much entry sugar will block protein and nutrient absorption so nutrias' lack body and brain developing is troubled. Beneficent protein for intelligence and recall sharpness, so if entry is troubled, recall will ran down and insufficiently concentrates. Better, appropriate sugared consumption body requirement only, counterbalanced with alimentary nutrient content another. Something that over or overacting really inauspicious to physical health, psikis and our brain.

V. Beware and avoids air pollution . Now really tend difficulting to avoid air pollution because air pollution have cleared away to as almost every wilayak's angle country. But at least we shall can anticipate and reduce risk strike that pollution. Brain is sectioned all the much body absorb to air. If too long is at environmentally with full air pollution will make inefficient brain job. Its logic, we must perceive not cozy while are at environmentally get pollution, congested, odor etcetera. In condition as it, we will also be hard to optimize think and centralize attention because feel be not its cozy.

VI. Sleep and rest that adequately . Sleep is not a only pause body, but also pauses brain, notably serebral cortex. serebral is this cortex is a part rack brains primal or supreme mental function, one that is utilized to remember, visualitation and imagining, and assessing and gives something reason. If we often slight sleep will make brain cell cell a lot of one die exhaustion. Thrusting toiling brain without rest equals to kill a lot of our brain cell cell. Analitically, 24 hour just we not get asleep, therefore will emerge serious mental trouble phenomena, as fast as anger, memory loss, get hallucination and gets illusion. This constitute reaction of reverential brain exhaustion too its tire muscle or we physical because don't get asleep. If have begin, let alone maximize brain job, controlling even emotion will more be hard.

VII. Sleep darkly without head mantle . While gets asleep, better available smooth draught. Inure for minimalize purpose puts off the light that most composes natural darkness atmosphere. Darkness apparently can help to settle body and think exhaustion us, so melatonin's hormone production optimal. melatonin's hormone all to the good to look after body rhythm in sleeping arrangement, increase is body immunity, helping muscle relaxation, increase mood and removes think stress. Letting exposed head while gets asleep to equal absorbs important atmosphere entry for circulaationi to rack brains we. On the contrary, mantle carries the wind while sleep constitute breakneck bad wont. Carbondioksida that at production up to sleep that concentrated will, so brain most contaminates. Long time rack brains to become damages.

VIII. Don't think over hard while take ill . While takes ill, body is experiencing its ability decrease. Labor, think hard or thrust studying while body condition be be not fit will ascendant to energi our brain. If is thrust, job racks brains to become not effective and can wreck brain cell cell. In consequence, pro medical frequent suggests in order not to a lot of think while take ill. Its aim, so our brain job that don't optimal while take ill not very overburdened. Human body organ has weakness, so needs to be recovered and given by chance for rest (relaxation). Pray with concentrated constitutes excellent way which that growed can hand over and defenselees self, and soul and think calm, so can hasten healing process. spiritual's connection with Creators so ascendant to physical health and psikis is someone. Progressively its frequent bermunajat and gets surrender to her, our closer with Dzat That Mighty Cures. This closeness one will make our think gets positive, so our brain also rileks and quick pulih.

IX. Increasing stimulasi brain . Think is excellent way to coach brain job. Insufficiently thinks just make brain to decrease and finally don't function maximal. Continewously thinks that good happening while we make a abode to study. Religion shows promise that perfect and wise this about. Man is made compulsory strove for knowledge of cradle until tomb. Its mean, we are mandatory study along our age. Studying don't shall ever be assumed by school because a lot of source studies that simple and easy being tripped. Reading useful book, inure to read Al Qur ’ an everyday, and carries on religious service with concentrated constitute positive studying activity. Read can increase recall and concentration ability. Reading Al Qur ’ an constitute positive energy to rack brains and our heart because those are read are guidance and life manual that lead to energi thought and our life energy go to goodness road universalize and eternity. Brain that stimulation with positive energy will work positively and maximal, and will result positive thinkings, so senility and brain damage can be prevented.

X. Doing useful talk . Jaw, relate, teel or does to kept the ball rolling apparently have positive effect on racks brains. Intellectual gab usually take in lovely effect on job racks brains that triggered by good thought process. Sharing problem with person in point stimulation can also rack brains to think solution and is controlled since entry in point will make knowledge think getting rich. With many accept information that variably, memory racks brains also getting practiced, keep and channels that information by aimed. Brain can also saturated if just shut-in in dumbness and accepts chanted information. Utilizing teel ability we to accept and pass on useful thing good for brain and our social relation. Following social activity cans also be medium to do talk and useful activity, so socialization gain is gotten, even brain doesn't quick wreck.

XI. Write . Besides talk, brain can also optimize its work function by writes . Write expressive as writes diary or writing chronological as writes biography, and writing scientific will increase job energy racks brains. Read, think and writing constitute stimulus series racks brains that complete. While write, left brain and right following works, so balance brain function makes a abode to awake and our recall is sharpened for process IDE becomes to say and language that is poured in sentences at our writing. Now, media writes was progressively effloresce, write at blog can become one of alternative writes and sharing is information with other people. Besides our brain is sharpened, feel and our thinking is channelled can also broaden our social relation. Godwilling far deh of senile.

XII. Set sport . Sport importanting to look after body fitness and activates body organ functions. If among organ's coordination body is interlaced with every consideration, therefore asupmtion nutition also smooth, so not only body which fit, but also brain which “ cling ”. Now developed functioning sporting activity activate that brain work function tergindar of senility. GLO'S terminology (Power Coaches To Rack Brains) or ordinary was called by gymnastic brain. Fundamental of gymnastic this brain it assuages stress, afferent stretching and muscle, breathing place, and concentration concentration. We can also do demulcent sport as jogging, and chess. As it were is revealed An old hand at Geriatrics from Montefiore Medical Center, Dr Gary kennedy that works crossword, play chess or language learning can utilitarian to increase brain work function, so most dodge from demensia and Alzheimer.

XIII. Relaxation and Recreation . Recreation constitutes one of relaxation activity rack brains of fatigue. Recreation goes to a bed of down, or recreation by undertaking activity in around hobby can make rileks's brain. Fond feel and happy one is felt while this recreation that stimulation will job rack brains us, so fresher think and not head sick.

XIV. Pray with khusyuk . Recite, pray and pray with concentrated will increase concentration and increases ability centralize attention. Both of it constitute pillar altogether comes to fruition recall who will look after memory balance and activity brain function religious service as dzikrullah and pray constitutes physical and soul activity that sinking can a slave on defencelessness because available’s heart and think just to Is Mighty perfect. Spiritually, concentrated’s pray and dzikrullah gives concentration effect and heart relaxation also think we because us defenselees build and soul to Is Have us. All life problem, expectation and the need most passes on deep subjective vertical one in. Quieting soul, growed spirit and imbeds optimism will Mighty try a fall. Consciousness, spiritual's defencelessness and concentration this is that can look after brain of senility because we do ever remember That Dzat will what do create we.

Treat our brain with every consideration since basically, senility constitutes stemmed disease of reverential brain damage imbalance patterns to live we. As vital organ, one ought to racks brains to be looked after, energic with body, heart and soul us, and petted by its condition because brain really determine viability and our life quality as creature God SWT who has help perfect utmost.

There is person which choose to captain, another follows. Success is not mere take proceedings condition, flair, or even that intelligence is a selection.
Some people choose to lead, the others follow. The success is not merely the condition of things, natural talent, or even intellect it is an option.

Person make estimating to you, don't care if you like or not, and point that is given universalizes to you suit with point that you give unto self you own.

You are thinking up men that have fivefold production to be appealed you? Are they smarter fivefold? Are they working five energetic more times? If its answer don't, therefore question "What do they have what do I have no?" maybe implied deep your marrow. Prime factor that comes to pieces they with you are that they think five time be even greater.

you thinking of those who have revenue five fold instead of you's acre? they smarter five fold's acre? Do they work five times more enterprising? If the answer is not, then the question "I. What do they have that don't have?" may be implied in your mind. Main factors that separate them with you that they think is five times larger.
David J. Schwartz

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